NODEYEZ Tools Setup

Display panels and scripts to get the most from your Bitcoin node

Setting up Common Tools

If you installed Nodeyez using the Quick Start, then this step is already done for you and you can skip ahead to setting up the Slideshow or using the Nodeyez-Config tool.

You will need to be logged into your system with a privileged user that can perform super user operations.

If you are using a Raspberry Pi setup, you can login as these user names

Install Python3

For Raspberry Pi it’ll normally come with Python 2.7, but the scripts require Python 3.

You can esure you have Python 3 by running the following

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-venv

Install Git

In future steps you’ll use Git to clone this repo.

sudo apt install git

Install Tor

Tor is optionally used by some scripts that retrieve data from external sources in a privacy preserving way.

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-tor

Install JPEG Development Library

This library is referenced by Pillow, a python module we’ll install in the next section used by the scripts for working with and rendering 2D graphics.

sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev

Install ImageMagic and Inkscape

These libraries are used for some of the image file type conversions

sudo apt-get install imagemagick inkscape

Install JQ

This provides for JSON processing

sudo apt-get install jq

Install Netcat

Provides for network connection calls used by Miner tools

sudo apt-get install netcat

Install Uncomplicated Firewall Rules

This provides for a convenient wrapper around iptables for network rules

UFW_PATH=$(which ufw)
if [ -z "$UFW_PATH" ]; then
  echo "installing and initializing ufw..."
  sudo apt-get -y install ufw
  sudo ufw default deny incoming
  sudo ufw default allow outgoing
  sudo ufw allow ssh
  sudo ufw logging off
  sudo ufw enable

Install Fail2Ban

Prevent brute force login attempts by rejecting for time after too many successive failed logins

sudo apt-get -y install fail2ban

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