Display panels and scripts to get the most from your Bitcoin node
If you installed Nodeyez using the Quick Start, then this step is already done for you and you can skip ahead to setting up the Slideshow or using the Nodeyez-Config tool.
Now we get to specifics of the Nodeyez user and cloning this repository.
You should be logged in as a privileged user to enter these commands.
When this project was first created, it was setup on a Raspberry Pi and the typical installation approach was a MicroSD card for the OS to boot from and a larger performant drive attached externally via USB3.
If you are using a MicroSD card, then it is preferable to run Nodeyez from the external drive, and store created images and data there as well to reduce the potential to wear out the microsd card.
The following script segment will determine if the default /home path is stored on flash media, and if so create and link it on the first external hard drive under the mount point.
DRIVECOUNT=$(df -t ext4 | grep / | awk '{print $6}' | sort | wc -l)
ISMMC=$(findmnt -n -o SOURCE --target /home | grep "mmcblk" | wc -l)
if [ $DRIVECOUNT -gt 1 ] && [ $ISMMC -gt 0 ]; then
EXT_DRIVE_MOUNT=$(df -t ext4 | grep / | awk '{print $6}' | sort | sed -n 2p)
if [ -z ${EXT_DRIVE_MOUNT+x} ]; then
sudo adduser --gecos "" --disabled-password nodeyez
sudo adduser --home ${NODEYEZ_HOME} --gecos "" --disabled-password nodeyez
sudo ln -s ${NODEYEZ_HOME} /home/nodeyez
sudo chown -R nodeyez:nodeyez /home/nodeyez
Add the user to the debian-tor group to allow it to configure tor directly
sudo adduser nodeyez debian-tor
You can skip this step if you are not using any scripts that require Bitcoin.
NOTE: If you are installing Nodeyez on popular node packages, changing the RPC Authentiation approach can break usage by other apps that rely on cookie based authentication. For now, JSON-RPC REST based access is primarily beneficial in scenarios where you want to run Nodeyez on a machine different from that which has Bitcoin running on it.
Proceed to one of the following two sections depending on whether you are setting up for CLI or REST access.
Add Bitcoin configuration for nodeyez from existing configuration.
Technically we only need the rpcauth or rpcuser and rpcpassword settings to allow bitcoin-cli to work, but this is the easiest way to setup that I’ve found without simply adding the nodeyez user to the bitcoin group and linking directories. If you know a way to grant read only access without wallet to a user, please open an issue or pull request.
This assumes that Bitcoin was setup on your node with a dedicated user named bitcoin
. This is the case for MyNodeBTC and Raspibolt. Other node types have not yet been verified. If you are using Raspiblitz or Umbrel and can add clarity here, please open an issue or pull request.
sudo mkdir -p /home/nodeyez/.bitcoin
sudo cp /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf /home/nodeyez/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
sudo cp /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/.cookie /home/nodeyez/.bitcoin/.cookie
sudo chown -R nodeyez:nodeyez /home/nodeyez/.bitcoin
Proceed to prepare LND access or switch to Nodeyez user.
Note that if you are using a prepackaged node like an Umbrel, it may already have settings for rpcauth. If you change an existing rpcauth line, it may break other applications on that node. You are strongly encouraged to make backups before changing anything so that you can revert to known good configurations if you break something.
By default, newer installations of Bitcoin will use the cookie authorization if no rpcuser
and rpcpassword
is provided. The config values of rpcuser
and rpcpassword
are deprecated, and in their place, you should use rpcauth
. You can download the rpcauth.py script from the Bitcoin repository at
Once downloaded, run the script with python, specifying the username to use, and optionally, a password (if no password is provided, one will be generated)
python3 rpcauth.py mybitcoinrpcusername
Sample output
$ python3 rpcauth.py mybitcoinrpcusername
String to be appended to bitcoin.conf:
Your password:
Make note of the username and password as you will need to specify them when configuring the bitcoin-rest.json file for the Nodeyez user later.
Modify the Bitcoin configuration file to use RPC Auth and allow IP addresses that should be able to access
sudo nano /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
Add the rpcauth
line generated by rpcauth.py, and for each machine’s IP address that you want to be able to access RPC, add an entry for rpcallowip
. For example, the localhost ( and another machine on the network ( would appear as follows
Save (CTRL+O) and Exit (CTRL+X).
Restart the Bitcoin deamon to activate the changes
sudo systemctl restart bitcoind
You can skip this step if you are not using any scripts that require Lightning.
Bake a macaroon for Nodeyez with only the permissions needed for scripts.
lncli bakemacaroon uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/GetNodeInfo uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPeers uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/ChannelBalance uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/ConnectPeer uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/DisconnectPeer uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/ForwardingHistory uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPayments uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/DecodePayReq uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/FeeReport uri:/lnrpc.Lightning/ListInvoices --save_to ${HOME}/nodeyez.macaroon
Proceed to one of the following two sections depending on whether you are setting up for CLI or REST access.
Add LND tls cert and macaroon specific to nodeyez
sudo mkdir -p /home/nodeyez/.lnd
# Copy the TLS Cert
sudo cp /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert /home/nodeyez/.lnd/tls.cert
# Copy the macaroon
sudo cp ${HOME}/nodeyez.macaroon /home/nodeyez/.lnd/nodeyez.macaroon
sudo chown -R nodeyez:nodeyez /home/nodeyez/.lnd
Whenever calling lncli with the nodeyez user, the macaroon path can now be provided as follows
lncli --macaroonpath=/home/nodeyez/.lnd/nodeyez.macaroon getinfo
Proceed to switch to Nodeyez user
Convert the LND tls certificate to a hex format. You will need this later to configure the lnd-rest.json file for the Nodeyez user.
sudo xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert
Convert the macaroon to hex format. You will need this later to configure the lnd-rest.json file for the Nodeyez user.
xxd -ps -u -c 1000 ${HOME}/nodeyez.macaroon
Change to the nodeyez user
sudo su - nodeyez
Again, this step should be done as the nodeyez user
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/vicariousdrama/nodeyez.git
Create folders and copy sample configuration files
mkdir -p ~/nodeyez/{config,data,imageoutput,temp}
cp ~/nodeyez/sample-config/*.json ~/nodeyez/config
A virtual environment will be used for the Nodeyez user when running scripts to help isolate versions from other uses of Python on the system
python3 -m venv ~/.pyenv/nodeyez
Activate the new virtual environment
source ~/.pyenv/nodeyez/bin/activate
Install modules used by scripts into the virtual environment
python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow beautifulsoup4 pandas psutil qrcode Wand exifread urllib3 requests redis pysocks whiptail-dialogs
Nodeyez supports accessing Bitcoin either using the command line interface (CLI) defined in the next section, or over REST calls, which may be to a node on the same computer, or another reachable on the network.
You can skip this step and continue to Panel Index if you are not using any scripts that require Bitcoin or Lightning.
Proceed to one of the following two sections depending on whether you are finishing setup for CLI or REST access.
Test that the nodeyez user has access to bitcoin-cli
Lets get a simple output of mining info which yields the block height, difficulty, estimated hashrate per second, chain, and some other details
bitcoin-cli getmininginfo
Example output:
"blocks": 729586,
"difficulty": 27452707696466.39,
"networkhashps": 2.043741869269852e+20,
"pooledtx": 12524,
"chain": "main",
"warnings": ""
If you get an error, please report as a new issue. You will not be able to run scripts requiring access to bitcoin until this is resolved.
You will need the following information to setup rest based access
In the Nodeyez config folder, locate the bitcoin-rest.json file and edit it
nano ~/nodeyez/config/bitcoin-rest.json
Set the appropriate field values for the profile named default
, which assumes a local Bitcoin node. Or copy the structure creating a new profile. Finally, set the name of the profile to use as the value for the activeProfile
Save (CTRL+O) and Exit (CTRL+X).
To test the setup, open a python terminal using the environment
cd ~/nodeyez/scripts
Paste in these commands
from vicariousbitcoin import *
If successful, it should report the Bitcoin mode as REST and a valid block height.
Nodeyez supports accessing LND either using the command line interface (CLI) defined in the next section, or over REST calls, which may be to a node on the same computer, or another reachable on the network.
You can skip this step and continue to Panel Index if you are not using any scripts that require Lightning.
Proceed to one of the following two sections depending on whether you are finishing setup for CLI or REST access.
For lightning, first we will get the nodes public key
lncli --macaroonpath=/home/nodeyez/.lnd/nodeyez.macaroon getinfo | jq .identity_pubkey
If you get an error, please report as a new issue. You will not be able to run scripts requiring access to lightning until this is resolved.
You can also verify that the nodeyez macaroon for lncli does not allow any actions that aren’t in its permission set. For example, getting a new wallet address will fail
lncli --macaroonpath=/home/nodeyez/.lnd/nodeyez.macaroon newaddress p2wkh
For this you should have gotten the following error
[lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = permission denied
You can list the permissions that the macaroon has by using the printmacaroon
lncli --macaroonpath=/home/nodeyez/.lnd/nodeyez.macaroon printmacaroon --macaroon_file /home/nodeyez/.lnd/nodeyez.macaroon
The output should appear as follows. These are the only calls that the nodeyez scripts make at this time.
"version": 2,
"location": "lnd",
"root_key_id": "0",
"permissions": [
"caveats": null
You will need the following information to setup rest based access
In the Nodeyez config folder, locate the lnd-rest.json file and edit it
nano ~/nodeyez/config/lnd-rest.json
Set the appropriate field values for the profile named default
, which assumes a local LND node. Alternatively you can copy the structure to setup a new profile if you need to access multiple Lightning Nodes. Set one of the profiles as the value for the activeProfile
Save (CTRL+O) and Exit (CTRL+X).
To test the setup, open a python terminal using the environment
cd ~/nodeyez/scripts
Paste in these commands
from vicariousbitcoin import *
If successful, it should report the LND mode as REST and report any current channels.
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