NODEYEZ Quick Start

Display panels and scripts to get the most from your Bitcoin node

Quick Start

If you’re on a Debian based Linux system, you can get started quickly by running an installation script if you’re feeling #reckless.


To insall via the script, download and pipe to bash with sudo

wget -qO- | sudo bash

Known Limitations

You should be aware of the following limitations

It requires a 64 Bit operating system to be installed and has only been tested on MyNodeBTC and Raspibolt environments.

At present, this script does not support auto configuring an attached display screen, or enabling the slideshow.

Only a subset of available Nodeyez panel scripts will be enabled.

What it Does

This will automate the same steps outlined in the following pages for

Running the script multiple times is intended to always bring to the same state.

A configuration tool is also deployed to review Nodeyez services, toggle their status, and make configuration changes for each panel. You may access this from the terminal by running sudo nodeyez-config

If you are attaching a screen, check out steps that cover Display Screen and Slideshow]

Otherwise, you can jump ahead to using the Nodeyez-Config tool


Uninstalling is similar, simply run the following

wget -q -O /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/ && sudo /tmp/

An existing NGINX instance will be left running after Nodeyez is removed.

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