Whirlpool Liquidity Status

Shows the Whirlpool pool status indicating number of premixers and remixers in each pool

Whirlpool Liquidity

This script calls an API to get the whirlpool pool status indicating the number of premixers and remixers in each pool and then displays a summary panel of the information.

sample whirlpool liquidity display

Script Location

This script is installed at ~/nodeyez/scripts/whirlpoolliquidity.py.


To manage and configure this script, use the nodeyez-config tool

sudo nodeyez-config

To manually configure this script, edit the ~/nodeyez/config/whirlpoolliquidity.json file

Fields are defined below

field name description
apiKey If you are using a local dojo and whirlpool cli, you must specify the apiKey for communicating with it. For MyNodeBTC, you can find this on the info page for Whirlpool as the API Key for Whirlpool GUI. Default NOT_SET
attributionColor The text color for the source attribution line expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #aa2222
backgroundColor The background color of the image expressed as a hexadecimal color specifier. Default #000000
confirmedColor The color of the text label for confirmed inputs expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #aaaaaa
elapsedColor The color of the text label for elapsed time expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #aaaaaa
headerColor The color of the text expressed as a Hexadecial color specifier. Default #ffffff
height The height, in pixels, to generate the image. Default 320
interval The amount of time, in seconds, the script should wait before data gathering and image creation again. Default 3600
poolHeaderColor The color to use for the individual pool header expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #aa2222
registeredColor The color of the text label for registered inputs expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #aaaaaa
textColor The color of all other text labels and values expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #ffffff
useTor Indicates whether remote calls should use tor for privacy. This should not be used for internal/local addresses such as access to whirlpool cli on same system. Default true
whirlpoolUrl The url to use for retrieving pool information from whirlpool instance. If you have a local dojo with whirlpool-cli, you may use that server here. For example, for MyNodeBTC, you can use Default is the onion address to the Whirlpool Coordinator
width The width, in pixels, to generate the image. Default 480

Run Directly

Ensure the virtual environment is activated

source ~/.pyenv/nodeyez/bin/activate

Change to the scripts folder

cd ~/nodeyez/scripts

Run it

python whirlpoolliquidity.py

Press CTRL+C to stop the process

Run at Startup

To enable the script to run at startup, as the privileged user run the following

sudo systemctl enable nodeyez-whirlpoolliquidity.service

sudo systemctl start nodeyez-whirlpoolliquidity.service
