Gas Prices Script

Produces an image displaying the gas price for a region in the United States or Canada using CollectAPI data

Gas Price

This script prepares an image displaying the gas price for a state or province in the United States or Canada.

sample image of gas price

Script Location

The script is installed at ~/nodeyez/scripts/


It depends on data being retrieved from collectapi via the [~/nodeyez/scripts/ script.


To manage and configure this script, use the nodeyez-config tool

sudo nodeyez-config

To manually configure this script, edit the ~/nodeyez/config/gasprice.json file

Fields are defined below

field name description
activeCountry The preferred gas price data set to use. Default USA. Allowed values: USA, CAN
activeState The preferred state or province to look up gas prices for. Default California. Allowed values: Any named state or province
backgroundColor The background color of the image expressed as a hexadecimal color specifier. Default #602060
blockclockEnabled Indicates whether results should be sent to a blockclock. Default false
blockclockAddress The IP address of the blockclock on your network. Default
blockclockPassword The password for the blockclock on your network, leave blank for no password. Default is unset
gasTextColor The color of the main label expressed as a hexadecimal color specifier. Default #e69138
height The height, in pixels, to generate the image. Default 320
interval The amount of time, in seconds, the script should wait before data gathering and image creation again. Default 3600
locationTextColor The color of the location label expressed as a hexadecimal color specifier. Default #f1c232
priceTextColor The color of the price label expressed as a hexadecimal color specifier. Default #6aa84f
randomCountryEnabled Indicates whether the country for gas price data should be chosen randomly. Default true
randomStateEnabled Indicates whether the state or province for gas price data should be chosen randomly. Default true
width The width, in pixels, to generate the image. Default 480

Run Directly

Ensure the virtual environment is activated

source ~/.pyenv/nodeyez/bin/activate

Change to the scripts folder

cd ~/nodeyez/scripts

Run it


Press CTRL+C to stop the process

Run at Startup

To enable the script to run at startup, as the privileged user run the following

sudo systemctl enable nodeyez-gasprice.service

sudo systemctl start nodeyez-gasprice.service
